12 Biggest Newbie Mistakes You Can Avoid (Part 1)
AM is not an easy skill to master, and making mistakes and learning from them is a big part of the learning process.
During my many discussions with new affiliates on this forum and in the 6WAMC, I noticed that some of the same mistakes are being made by new affiliates – over and over again.
So I thought it would be a good idea to write a post about these mistakes, to help you avoid them.
I’ve also asked our experienced forum admins and mods to add to my original list – the result is this post.
We’re hoping our tips below will help you to:
-Avoid wasting money
-Avoid limiting your earnings potential
-Maximize your profits
Let’s get right to them!
Mistake #1: Looking at AM as the Last Resort to Financial Problems
We’ve all seen posts written by new members in desperation:
“Help me please! I have 3 kids to feed and just lost my job yesterday. I have 1k left in the bank so I need to make AM work before that money runs out. Please give me a magic bullet right now or my family will starve!”
“I heard that affiliate marketing has the potential of making me 4-5 figures/day! Just signed up last week and decided to quit my job yesterday to focus 100% on making AM work. I have 3k left for living expenses, running campaigns, and buying tools. Hopefully that will be enough!”
(Note: Not actual quotes, but I’ve seen similar.)
Being in dire financial straits, with no means of getting more money, and thinking to “invest” the last $1k in their bank account to learn AM and turn it into a stable income stream, is one of the worst decisions one could make. And judging by how most of the OPs disappeared from ...