In case you aren’t following me on Facebook at You probably missed this.

Since it was so well received, and we all need a little inspiration a little now and then in affiliate marketing – I am posting it here on STM.

$371,051.00 in 3.5 months!

YES… it is possible!!

….if you hussle HARD like I do everyday.

This screenshot is from 1 network, OASIS Ads. (Feel free to have it verified by a rep at Oasis)

Anyway, I thought I’d post it because it seems like a lot of you are getting discouraged from affiliate marketing.

I won’t BS you like most people do… the truth is affiliate marketing is very hard, it is extremely competitive.

Decisive app installs won’t work, in fact all the shit you get taught at courses won’t likely work.

You gotta do what the masses don’t. They tell you to run mobile… go against it and do desktop. DONT FOLLOW THE HEARD.

Instead, pav ...

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