****UPDATE 11/6/2015****

So thanks to the STM community the issue was promptly brought up to the appropriate GUNGGO reps and it looks like this issue has been resolved. For what it’s worth, I think GUNGGO is good on their word, there was definitely an issue with a lot of their reps being at AdTech: NY which screwed up the timing and communication for a lot of things. I didn’t take this into account. But it does seem like the money is on it’s way and i’m good for the refund.

I have no review on the quality of traffic of gunggo, I’ve heard many great things, but the lack of communication was a bit worrisome. It did take somewhat of an uproar to hear an answer from them as I wasn’t getting any reply from their e-mail support system nor was I able to call directly to their headquarters. I can’t fault my rep for anything because she was at AdTech NY.

That being said, the issue has been resolved. Tony had reached out to me in addition to my account manager and everythings good.

Thanks to everyone who helped and reached out and was legitimately concerned. I truly believe the STM comm ...

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