How I made my first affiliate sale (Clickbank) $25.02 using FB Ads (7 Steps)
Category Facebook
(Attention: This post is only suitable for newbies.)
In this thread I’m going to do my best to help those who are still blur on making your first affiliate sale, using the combination of Facebook Ads and Clickbank.
Here are the offer details:
Product: Survival Business Cards.
Traffic source: Facebook Ads.
Budget: RM100 (USD25)
Target: US + All survival interest I can possibly find.
Landers: Yes, you can click here –
Timeline: Around 7 days.
My FB Ads cost (Around USD17).
My CB sale: USD25.02
Your first sale is important. Especially if you are new in this AM industry.
Now lets get into detais. How I make this campaign:
1) Focus on 1 niche.
2) ...