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(This is Part 2 of this case study. Part 1 can be found here.)

27-Aug-2016, Morning:

Compiled a list of suitable 1-click carrier-billing offers. Made an excel chart to note the carriers and OSs accepted by each.

Created offers in voluum. Created a campaign in voluum and on wwwPromoter for each carrier:

Gold Tip #2: For this particular traffic source (i,e, wwwPromoter), I’ve had the best experience with bidding low first and increasing gradually to maximize profits, as opposed to testing staggered bids, where the higher-bid camps would take most/all the traffic from the lower-bid camps. Also, of all the high bids I’ve tested, I haven’t seen a corresponding high increase in conversion rates. So starting with a low bid is recommended.

So I set my bid at 1.33 for all camps. (Aside: Many people will not bid at whole dollar amounts, to avoid competition from newbies; as more people started bidding 10 cents over the dollar, some people started bidding ...

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