(Please see this post for a more efficient test method!)

I’ve been following-along some pop follow-alongs, specifically for PopAds which is an extremely popular traffic source. There’s something I’ve been pointing out about the screwy way in which popads deals with ISPs and carriers, so I thought I’d make a separate post about it and hopefully help more members that are also running on this traffic source.

The problem I’m wanting to point out, it that you can’t always get just carrier traffic for a specific carrier – sometimes you just have to let some wifi traffic tag along. For example, there’s no way to just receive Viettel Mobile carrier traffic – when you target Viettel Corporation, you’ll get only ~20% of Viettel carrier traffic, with the other 80% being wifi traffic.

So why is this relevant?

If you KNOW you can’t target a certain carrier without getting a lot of wifi traffic along with the carrier traffic, then don’t optimize offers for that carrier. (Please see this post for further clarification.)

In other words, continuing with our example above – it doesn’t matter if you’ve found an offer that converts at 300% ROI on Viettel carrier traffic, when it doesn’t convert at all on wifi traffic – because there’s no way to get Viettel carrier traffic without having to pay for the 80% wifi traffic as well – which would leave you with a negative ROI overall.

So how do you find out which carriers you CAN target to get 100% carrier traffic, and which carriers you need to accept both carrier and WIFI traffic for?


1)Set up a test camp with “connection types” set to “cellular” and “connection speeds” set to “cellular/carrier”. (You can use any offer/offers that accept both carrier and wifi traffic, or even use a monetizer service such as monetizer.co as the offer, doesn’t matter.)

2)Run $2.50-$5’s worth of traffic to it.

3)In your ...

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