New Tools: Useful New Software For Affiliates, Apr 2017 Edition
I keep my eye out on a frequent basis for new tools that could be useful for affiliate work – and I thought I’d share some of my recent finds.
Some of these aren’t new per se, just new to me – but chances are you’ll not have heard of most of them!
Note: I’ve not tested all of these, just found them in my journeys. This should be considered a “hey, this looks potentially useful” level of recommendation, not an “I use this and it’s awesome” recommentation, unless otherwise mentioned below!
Data Mining/Machine Learning: Orange
If you want to get going with some AI-assisted data analysis, but you’re not a coder, this is my new favourite tool recommendation. It’s a flowchart-based program incorporating just about every data-mining and machine-learning tool you could think of, from the simple (heatmaps, blob charts, linear regression) to the Proper Machine Learning (neural nets, Random Forest, etc).
It’s not quite as powerful as something like Tensorflow, but it’s also a lot easier to understand, and you can get a lot done with the tool very quickly. It’s also rather fun!
Worth checking out if: you want to start using Machine Learning-type tools to analyse your campaigns.
Server Management: is a Web-based tool for managing servers. It’s more targeted at automation for large groups of servers than individual ones, and it’s aimed at ...