Shopify is hard as hell, it’s not uncommon to blow $10,000 to test 100 products, and lose $9000 in the process. When you ask people how do you target your products, most will always tell you BROAD. Which is total bullshit, and it’s a sure way to lose all your money really fast. (Unless you already spent a million bucks plus, and you have a trained pixel, but that’s another story not all of you starting out can proudly be in possession of).

So HOW DO YOU maximize your chances to succeed and find the peeps most likely to buy your SH*T? 😀

Facebook audience targeting / interest targeting / keyword targeting coupled with the NARROW down function.

Let’s say we are trying to sling a cooking related product, going broad would mean targeting everyone in the country thats a woman, maybe 25+ right? That’s like over 30 million people, too much. Even if you narrowed it down by using the “COOKING” interest keyword, it’d be way too broad. You see the way fb works is their algo will automatically throw anyone in that liked anything related to cooking, and this does not mean that person l ...

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