Your personal Media Buying Hell, or how I farm FB accounts to run ads.

Perhaps some of you could see my previous tip: How to get high CTR with Facebook Ads. Now it’s time to share the next secret of success

The most evident fact about Facebook is that you always get banned. It’s like your favorite video-game at a hardcore difficulty with the only limit – there is no right to make mistakes. Facebook is insane about account blocks, but it is considered to be one of the best traffic sources nowadays. When you do wrong – your account is marked and you lose everything. Today I’m going to reveal my personal method of creating legal trustful accounts for Facebook ads.

To win your enemy you should know your enemy. “He who controls the traffic controls the universe.” So you can’t leave this as it is, you always return and fight Facebook again and again, never breathing a word about accounts loss.

So I suppose, each of you knows, that the ad platform is crazy about accounts. It is famous for its regulations that leave no chance for the affiliate marketer to have his ...

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