NOTE: If you only want to cut placements, please see Part 2.


A question I hear a lot of people ask is: “How do I know when to cut banners/landers/placements?”

Caurmen has explained the statistics involved in AM in more than one thread in the past:!

Now, I’m FAR from being an expert in statistics. In fact, I failed my intro to stats course in first year university decades ago…:p

However, building on what I learned from Caurmen’s wisdom, I was able to figure out some basic stuff as I gained practical experience in analyzing my own campaign stats. I still don’t know much, but enough!

I must have answered the question above for at least 10 friends in skype chats over the past 2 months, and have seen at least 2 threads in this forum asking the same over the past 2 days – so here I am writing a 2-part series to share what I know. 😀

Let’s get started shall we?

PART 1: How to Identify the Best Banners and Landers

Oftentimes we need to compare a group of something to know which one is best. For example:

-Created 5 different types of landers and want to see which one performs best.
-Made 2 versions of a well-converting lander to split-test, to try to improve CR further.
-Have 20 banners running and want to identify the best one, then pause the rest to maximize ROI.

To identify the best in a group of anything, this would be the tool to use:

Here’s how to use it…

Step 1 – Identify the current-best

Say we’re testing 7 landers, landers A/B/C/D/E/F/G. We have the following data from our tracker:

What the fields in the calculator mean:
“Trials” = number of impressions on the lander (or if you’re using banners, the number of clicks to the lander)
“Successes” = number of conversions

The split-test calculator can only test 4 items at a time. If we had 4 la ...

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