It has been over two years since I joined the forum and about a year since I threw myself full time into affiliate marketing.

Without a doubt the last one has been the most exciting and intense, with a lot of effort and results that led to hitting the magical seven-figures by the end of last summer.

This is a screenshot from one of our trackers.

STM has been a great support from the beginning of my journey and the place to meet some amazing people with whom I can share this success today.

Here are a few lessons I learned along the way that hopefully help some of you in your own path to this milestone and beyond.

Find Something That Drives You, No Matter What

Affiliate marketing is not easy and will get harder and more competitive. You will get slapped in the face, many times.

Servers will crash, that lander you spent so much work on will not bring you any conversions, your winning angle will get ripped before you find the funds to scale. Offers will die just when you are in the sweet spot. Shit will happen constantly.

The only way for you to go through that and feed from every single failure towards success is to have something bigger than you that drives you. Your reason for doing this all must keep pushing you regardless of how many problems you face.

I was bankrupt when I started with affiliate marketing. My previous company crashed and left me with a big hole in my pockets. I literally sold my car to finance my first campaigns. In that situation many would advice me to just go get a stable job and not risk it with something like affiliate marketing.

But I had seen the numbers you can make in this game, and I had a big why.

Find Your Edge

Or more like: let your edge find you. Once you find the way to fuel yourself through the obstacles and ta ...

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