Traffic Types Definition – #3 – ADULT Traffic
Welcome to the 3rd part of my mini-series that should help you understand the various traffic types you can work with as an affiliate marketer.
First part dealt with POP traffic :
Second part was about MOBILE :
This time around, I’m gonna talk about one of the largest traffic types when it comes to volume : ADULT Traffic. To make a quick definition of this type of traffic – its basically traffic from “Not Safe For Work” sites (NSFW). You’re supposed to work at your job, not to stare at titties – hence the NSFW label 😉 Obviously, there is a lot of sub categories here that we will take a look at later on, but basically : if there is more skin on the photo/video material on a site than you are comfortable to show your grandma, the site is probably adult – unless your grandma remembers Woodstock I guess 🙂
Before we move further, we need to define the basic segmentation of adult traffic based on the level of “acceptability” – 1. Sexy, 2.Softcore, 3.Hardcore, 4.Borderline
1. Sexy – this is basically swimsuit/bikini stuff
2. Softcore – #1 + a bit more skin, bare tits are ok, frontal display of genitals is not.
3. Har ...