Hey guys & gals

First, of a big thank you to all STM’s for all kind advice.

So as said I haven’t yet launched the campaign and everything I’ll do is based on what you guys say so that others can go through it later and not least I can go over this over and over again for my future campaigns launch :).

Now back to business,

I’ve decided to launch an antivirus campaign for ZA.


  • Connection: 3G
    • ClickDealer => Payout: $1.96 / Prelander +1 Click / Carriers: Vodacom, CellC, MTN
    • ClickDealer => Payout: $2.00 / 2 Clicks / Carriers: Vodacom, CellC, MTN
    • Advidi => Payout: $3.75 / 2 Clicks / Carriers: Vodacom, CellC, MTN
    • Advidi => Payout: $3.75 / 2 Clicks / Carriers: All Carriers

Why this offer:
I’ve ran ZA before with good success and asked my AMs if Antivirus is doing good and which Geo. They said yes and ZA (South Africa) for Geo + I saw each network had at least 2 ZA antivirus campaigns which makes it easier to split-test the offers.


  • 3 Landers

Where did I found the landers:
Adplexity. I searched for k ...

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