Going From $1,000,000 Revenue to Net Worth of $184,000,000 and Cover of Forbes Magazine. All in 5 Years with STM

For those of you that don’t know, STM was the launchpad for my career. Without it, I wouldn’t have been as successful an affiliate and I likely would not have built Zeropark or Voluum.

As an affiliate it’s all too easy to take for granted the very specific skills that you have acquired that allow you to make a living the way you do. I remember often wondering why more people don’t do affiliate marketing.. It’s so easy I thought, anyone could do this. But it’s not true, very few people can. Only skillful, talented and driven people can succeed in this competitive space. If you haven’t already, I would like for you to understand that the skills and know-how you have unlock many doors for you. Countless opportunities lay ahead of you if you’re making money with affiliate marketing.

Think of it this way. You are turning a profit in cut throat environment, in an industry worth $230 billion in 2017 (digital advertising). To do this you need to be:

  • Creative and crafty
  • Be a risk taker
  • Cope with failure and various adversities. Hugely important as it’s the biggest deterring factor for most people for all things in life
  • Have IT skills. Be it coding, design, server/domain management, working with IT people, etc.
  • Knowledge and understanding of a highly complex and dynamic industry
  • Have business skills. Negotiating, delegating, communication, and management skills

Furthermore, if you’re making money with AM you have yet another massive advantage. Just like I did, you’re in a position to raise your own capital and continue doing so as you run your business parallel to your AM activity. An absolute luxury.

Remember, there is a reason you are a successful affiliate marketer. It is because you have a highly specialized set of skills, mentality and character that allows you to do this. The same set of skills that allowed me, with time, to build and launch two successful projects: Zeropark and Voluum. Never take this for granted, I repeat this as it’s easy to do so. You too are in a position to carve out a piece of the $230 billion dollar pie ...

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