Hey, Guys, I wrote this article in my follow along, but as people often can not find it, I post this material in this thread.
I want to say in advance that it’s only my opinion and my experience. I’m not saying that it’s an absolute truth. And sorry for my bad english

Ok, let’s go!

1. Choose a vertical.
First of all you have to choose which vertical you’ll promote. As you may already know, the main verticals are: Installs, Pin-Submits, Sweepstakes, Dating and Adult. But which are the easiest for a beginner? For me they are – Antivirus pins, installs and sweeps. BUT! At this moment it is very difficult to work with installs, for several reasons:
– there are few good offers;
– there are fines from advertisers when you use aggressive landers. I did not get a fine, but a lot of my friends told me about them.
– you can’t get a very big return on investment (ROI) with installs right now.

So I think when you’re just starting out you should choose Antivirus Pins or Sweeps (Win an iPhone 6S etc..). Why these verticals? Because you can use any traffic for these verticals (but not always, read the rules of the offer). It may be a grandfather who wants to watch old films, a man who wants to watch a porn, a woman who wants to read the news or a child who wants to play a new game. They are all our potential audience and we can monetize them with pins or sweeps.

2. Choose a GEO.
The main rule for me – TRY EVERYTHING!!! Don’t spy in adplexity and watch what people are running. Don’t ask your manager about TOPs, because often managers will tell you about offers which need traffic, but they may not be a top GEO or a top offer. I know, because I worked as a manager for 6 months But at the start you have to choose tier 2-3 countries. I recommend starting with: Asia (excluding VN, IN – as it’s too hard to convert them now), Eastern Europe, LatAm (exc. BR, AR – as there are no good offers there right now) and Africa.

So how do I choose a new GEO? I just go to the traffic source’s inventory or ask my manager about top GEOs and run them all. Of course, if your budget is not very big you can only choose 3-5 GEOs. And it’s normal to see our ROI in the red after 3-5 days of testing. In such cases I just change the vertical. If I have an ROI in the red on pins, I can try Sweeps. Do not choose the geos for offers, choose offers for geo. If there is traffic, and people buy it, then it is possible for it to be ...

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