@nrthrnlghts asked me some advice on what to avoid in Ecommerce – at a higher level.

I think though, that your success will not come from what you avoid. It will come from doing things that work. Over and over again. And improving – day in, day out.

Which is why I replied with the concepts that work for me:

I think there’s more to learn from what did work and became a success than what didn’t (there’s quite a list for that too).

1 – Create a brand that stands out in the market

You don’t want to spend a fortune on “branding”, but you do want be recognisable in the market.

So a good logo, domain name and colour use.

And good means distinctive, not different for the sake of being different

We didn’t do that well enough from a domain perspective, which has lead to confusion sometimes. Using your product as part of the domain name is recognisable for the customer in terms o fwhat they can expect.
But it limits you if you broaden your range and makes you often too similar to others, as everyone tries to c ...

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