In this post you will understand How & Why you are failing getting profitable in affiliate marketing,
and what YOU can do today to invert the negative trend and raise to the top.

“When solving a problem, instead of reasoning from analogy, I always start from First Principles” – Elon R. Musk

Mr. Musk believes the universe is a rather simple place, governed by laws we can learn to understand.

He believes these universal laws not only apply to physics, but can be found in every aspects of our lives…
and now you’re going to see an example of the low of INERTIA applied to your AM efforts:

How Inertia Is Killing Your Affiliate Marketing Efforts

When starting out as an affiliate you are competing with people with a TON of experience & many years in the industry.

Let’s analyze what these people have that you don’t as a newbie:

LAND – They are part of exclusive, super-affiliate-only Networks.

Now. the solution is not to get in there since the products usually have high payouts, therefore it’s going to be very hard for you to gather data on those, you will need a substantial amount of capital to make it.

LABOR – They have a team of specialised professionals that is creating new Angles, Landers & Banners Every Single Day, with the highest quality possible.

CAPITAL – Very simply they can bid higher then you, and can afford to do so because of point #1…commissions are higher so they can afford an higher bid, easy as cake.

DATA – They have BENCHMARKS of proven campaigns that have worked in the past, and know what to expect.

As a newbie starting out you don’t have any of these things.

These things are Hard to acquire and take time to be built.

Now answer this simple question:

Is it more likely that someone that earned $x,xxx a day for 5 years today is going to earn the same amount, or is it more likely that tomorrow YOU are going to h ...

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