They say you become adult at the age of 18, that’s when you should know enough about the world and be able to take care of yourself on your own, more or less 🙂 Some of you know I started in the affiliate business in 1998, which means its a bit over 18 years by now, so that makes me an adult in terms of affiliate marketing. I’ve seen industries rise and die, I’ve seen good things and I have seen bad things happen too. I’m still here tho, always managed to adapt and keep going. And even tho I really love the affiliate business and the freedom it can give me, there are some things I am not so happy about or flat out hate.

Since I just turned “18”, let me use this opportunity and put together a list/code of things I DO and DON’T like about the affiliate business, split up in 3 basic categories, each tailoring to a particular segment of the affiliate business puzzle – 1. Traffic Networks, 2. Affiliate Networks, 3. Affiliates. I would like to hope that each of the mentioned parties can find something in this list and maybe think a bit about what they could do better.

1. Traffic N ...

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