

Thanks: 16

Views: 4688

Automatic VPS Deployment with The StackScript

This is a bit overdue but I’d like to introduce…

The StackScript is simple. It is a tweaked and customised deployment script for Linode (http://linode.com).

The script deploys a basic LEMP stack – i.e. Linux (CentOS 6.5 x64), Nginx (compiled from source), MariaDB, PHP-FPM.

You set this up as a script within Linode’s control panel and then when you deploy servers it will automatically configure and optimise them, making them ready to go.

Included is a bunch of documentation to help you get started. While this script streamlines things, it is no substitute for someone who knows what they are doing in the context of more advanced configuration, we will not provide 1-on-1 server tech support for people who break an automated process (though in the 6 ...

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Thanks: 16

Views: 4688

Automatic VPS Deployment with The StackScript

This is a bit overdue but I’d like to introduce…

The StackScript is simple. It is a tweaked and customised deployment script for Linode (http://linode.com).

The script deploys a basic LEMP stack – i.e. Linux (CentOS 6.5 x64), Nginx (compiled from source), MariaDB, PHP-FPM.

You set this up as a script within Linode’s control panel and then when you deploy servers it will automatically configure and optimise them, making them ready to go.

Included is a bunch of documentation to help you get started. While this script streamlines things, it is no substitute for someone who knows what they are doing in the context of more advanced configuration, we will not provide 1-on-1 server tech support for people who break an automated process (though in the 6 ...

This thread has 34 more replies.

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The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to zeno For This Useful Post

digi44 (03-02-2016), elomax (03-02-2016), frshprince (11-09-2015), integrity (01-04-2016), janky99 (10-27-2016), jgjh151 (01-13-2016), justin (01-15-2016), matt k (01-03-2016), newyorkheart2000 (05-10-2017), plamen (07-01-2017), servandosilva (02-16-2017), southstar (01-09-2016), stngrm (11-08-2015), taewoo (03-02-2016), vincent9 (08-01-2016), willpower (03-04-2016)