Looking to get started with mobile display (banner) traffic? Here are some tips that can shorten that learning curve.



DO consider testing multiple offers from the start to increase your chances of finding a good one. Also test same offer on different networks, and different offer landers for the same offer.

DO test low-competition geos first. Consult an ad planner for geos with lower bids. Asia, Africa, & LATAM America are gold!

DO test lots of angles. Can’t make a campaign work without a good angle!

DO test multiple banners per angle. Testing different headlines and images for each angle will give you a much better picture than just 1. e.g. 3 banners/angle to start.

DO optimize your lander for speed. Especially important for mobile! See tips here, here and here.

DO get rid of bad placements based on conversion rate. See here for a helpful tool.

DO consider cutting bad placements based on CTR. See the end of this post for suggested guidelines (thanks sebastian_r for the reminder!)

DO test direct-linking vs. landers.

DO consider using “generic” banners to quickly test offers that have broad appeal. Stuff like “Download Now” and images of blinking presents / envelopes, “you’ve got a message”, etc. Some traffic sources and exchanges still allow these. (Thanks sebastian_r!)

DO make sure there’s not too big of a “gap” from banner -> lander -> offer. Visitors need to know how the offer will solve the problem stated in the banners and/or landers (thanks wiifmdude).

DO target different banner sizes. 320×50 isn’t the only size available! Just make sure the sizes you’re targeting have enough traffic.

DO test wifi and carrier traffic separately. Because they can perform very differently.

DO test app traffic and mobile site traffic separately. Same reason as above.

DO identify most-used handsets from your campaign stats make sure your landers display correctly in them. Use for example Google Chrome Developer Tools or BrowserStack.

DO test PNG banners, not just JPG. See here for details.

DO consider customizing your creatives to certain types of placements to increase conversion ...

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