Hi guys, here is my first Ecommerce follow along. I’m going to be posting here every second day for the next 399 days.

I’ve tried to keep this post as short and relevant as possible and I’ll try to do this with future posts as well — I know you are all very busy.

I think the best way to learn is to just post everything and not hide or obscure anything so that’s what I’ll be doing here.

Brief background

My aim is to give this my all for as long as it takes to be successful. The aim is to buy my mum a house in December 2018. I’m sure you’ve all heard stuff like this before but I’m determined to do it and this follow along will be my way of staying on track and accountable.

I’m doing Ecommerce with my girlfriend. I handle copywriting, website design/backend and all the technical stuff, she focuses on social media, marketing and Facebook.

We honed in on the idea of selling LED makeup mirrors to women as she identified it as a major pain point and the products met most of Caurmen’s criteria for selecting a product.

We started working on this a week ago and launched our store ...

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