Get Approved For Your First Network
So… You’re ready to roll.
You’ve read through the Onboarding Zone, signed up to a traffic source, figured out the difference between CPCs, CPMs and EPCs, and told your mum you don’t have time to clean your room because you’re about to be a millionaire.
You’re ready to be an affiliate and live the life that you want to live.
Buuuuuut. There’s one small teeny tiny issue. You’re a newbie. Networks are refusing to take you on until you have some experience. But you can’t get any experience because networks won’t accept you. Catch 22.
This has been a regular theme lately – an influx of people starting out causing many networks to focus their time on their more experienced affiliates (the ones who make them their money).
Networks don’t hate you because you’re new. They understand. But understand this – networks make their money from those people who make the most money with them. Super affiliates make their business boom, not the new kid on the block making them $0.61 each week.
The aim of your application is to show them that you mean business.
You should have already read Zeno’s guide to joining a netwok during your onboarding phase: if not, read it here.
This thread is designed to consolidate a few tips for those of you still struggling to join networks and to provide a short list of newbie-friendly networks to try!
Tip #1: Get a Website
Many network application forms have a “Website” field. Use it.
A website is simple to set up and makes you look like you’re serious; buy a domain with your business name (if you don’t have a a ...