Hey guys! I wrote this article in my follow along, but as people often can not find it, I post this material in this thread.
I want to say in advance that it’s only my opinion and my experience. I’m not saying that it’s an absolute truth. And sorry for my bad english.

How is analysis important

One of the most important skills in work with traffic, and especially with low conversion methods like popunder/popup/redirect is ability to analyze. The analysis and optimization can make your red campaign green and help to achieve positive ROI. And here I speak not about sites, platforms, Black or White lists as many people may think. Under the analysis I mean complete analytics of campaign which includes all elements, beginning with landings and offers, finishing with versions of OSs and hour of the day (step by step). I’ll tell you at once that campaigns which I start, can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Super green without optimization (ROI from 50%) = 15%
  2. The campaigns which needs optimization (ROI from-70% to +50%) = 70%
  3. Campaigns which I can’t optimize (ROI <-70%) = 15%

As you can see only 15 campaigns from 100 gives me a good ROI on start, this figure is very conditional, and it does not mean that from 200 campaigns you will unambiguously have 30 green campaigns, but the figure is close to it. And it is necessary to work with the others, further we just also will consider this work.

Landings and offers.

These 2 elements are key elements in the optimization. Remember the most important rule – You have to test ALL the offers which you can find from all networks available to you. Here we have a fresh example. The sa ...

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