If you’re new to Affiliate Marketing, you may well be finding everything a bit confusing. There are lots of terms people use, lots of complicated software, and it’s easy to feel like you don’t know where to start.

So here’s a five-minute guide to the very basics of Affiliate Marketing!

The Make Money Online Business

There are thousands of ways to make money on the Internet.

But they all boil down to one simple formula:

(Thing To Sell + People Who Might Want It) * Telling The People About The Thing = $$$$$

So how do you find your thing to sell?

Well, you could create it yourself, of course. But that’s a lot of hard work – and there’s an easier way.

That easier way is what defines Affiliate Marketing.

Bounty Hunting For Fun And Profit

A lot of other people already have products they’d like to sell more of: from paid dating sites to mortgages to online games.

So they offer a “bounty” to anyone who can persuade people to buy them. If you can sell the things, then you get the bounty.

That’s the basics of affiliate marketing.

Yes, we’re basically bounty hunters.

But it gets better: a lot of the time, we don’t even have to sell things.

We just find people who might buy the thing.

And Even Easier Than That…

Finding people who want to buy a product is hard. But f you can persuade someone to try a product for free, they’re much more likely to buy it afterward.

Unfortunately, on the Internet, it’s no longer very easy to persuade people to try things, even if they are free.

That’s where we come in.

A lot of businesspeople are willing to pay a bounty for trial registrations – in other words, for getting people to sign up to a website for free.

That’s known as “CPA” – Cash Per Action”.

If you can make adverts that persuade people to sign up to a website that’s paying a bounty like that, you can make a lot of money.

And that’s just what we’ll teach you to do.

Here’s An Example Of How Affiliate Marketing (AM) Works:

Adam runs a dating website. He gets money from his users, but in order to grow his business, he needs new people to sign up all the time.

So he offers a ...

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