Hey STMs-

I’m excited to announce the commencement of Beta Testing of our first tool! Lander DS a landing page deployment system available on all platforms. We’ve been diligently developing and planning this Beta for the last 5 months or so, and we are pleased to offer this Beta on STM today! You can start signing up now, and official testing starts on August 15, 2016. I will be sending log-in information to those who request it on August 15th.

What is Lander DS?

Lander DS is a landing page deployment system focused on allowing you to quickly and effectively obtain, organize, and deploy the fastest and most optimal landing pages, all with no technical knowledge needed.


Rip: To rip a new lander, all you have to do is copy the URL for the landing page you wish to rip, pick a name for it, and click “Rip Lander.”

Optimizations: We automatically optimize your images, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML and Gzip. All in all, Lander DS typically can cut the size of your file in half.

Page Speed Scores: Our optimizations can improve your page speed scores by up to 50 points. View the scores directly on the web app. Click on the animations for detailed a ...

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