Life Hack: How to get a Private (Health Food) Chef – For FREE
Hey guys,
Several years ago, someone on a marketing forum I was on posted that he just hired his first personal chef, a long term dream come true for him. I immediately added it to my own list of goals as well, for when the cash starts to flow nicely. I actually didn’t end up hiring one until I broke six figures net per year… but looking back I could and should have done it much sooner.
A private chef is a lot like the internet: Before we had it, we never knew that we missed it… but once you have it you can’t really figure out anymore how you ever got by without it? I honestly can’t imagine life without a personal chef anymore. But what’s more – I now believe having a chef absolutely pays for itself which makes it basically FREE.
I’ll elaborate…
Why hire a personal chef: Reason #1 – Time Management
Everybody needs to eat, no matter if you grind 17 hours a day or live the 4 hour work week just maintaining the online properties you have built and checking up on your automation, stats and team for half an hour a day. So you basically you have three options here:
1. You can eat out. This is a HUGE time suck. Going/driving to restaurants, potentially getting stuck in traffic, waiting for the waiter to find you, waiting for the food to be prepared especially if the restaurant is busy, then after the meal the drive back home, you can lose an hour per meal so that’s 3 hours lost per day minimum… i.e. 21 hours per week down the drain. Multiply your hourly profit by 21 and see if that alone doesn’t pay for a chef?
2. You can cook yourself. Unless you LOVE cooking and it’s your hobby, this is another giant waste of time and you probably shouldn’t be doing it. Dan Kennedy likes to tell the story of meeting a potential business partner, he saw the guy cuts his own lawn and fixes his own lawnmower and called off the deal. Don’t waste your time doing shit you could pay someone 5 dollars an hour for if you are making 100 times that per hour yourself.
3. You can get food delivered. This is actually a viable option in some places, where you can get healthy food brought to you… but in most places, delivery food = fast food, lots of MSG, preservatives, and who knows what else they throw in there. I ...