I just thought I’d share a little “project” I’ve been working on for the past 7 weeks. I always like offline challenges so i can switch off from work. This time I focused on health and fitness.

Man, it’s been rough! But results have been amazing.

7 weeks in and I’m pretty sure I’m in the best shape of my life both mentally and physically.

Here are the main points:

Keto Diet:

No carbs (only a banana after training)
No dairy
No caffeine

Supplement stack:

Digestive Enzymes:
due to the fact that I have a high protein diet, my body needs extra enzymes to digest these proteins properly so that they get used instead of wasted.

Multi vitamin:
I’m caloric deficit, so my body needs some extra vitamins and minerals to keep my immune system up.

Magnesium helps shut off the nervous system, and relaxes muscles. this results in a better quality of sleep, thus better recovery, thus better hormonal household.

Omega 3: This aids in the fat burning process, it shuts off fat storing cells and turns on fat burning cells, its also important for energy levels.

Zinc: zinc is a natural testosterone b ...

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