
You see us preach all the time about not just simply copying and pasting ripped campaigns, but modifying them to make them even better with your own unique twist. Its a surefire way to add some serious profits on droned out ripped to death campaigns, and it really is a simple to do, just be creative. Leave your laziness for the couch!

You guys might have noticed the new placement that came on Exoclick maybe a month ago? its one of the largest french porn sites in the world, but its not new, no boys its not. 6 Months ago I was browsing around looking for some unseen porn sites that I could buy a direct place on and I stumbled across this bad beast. After translating the site into English I noticed “advertisement” tab on the bottom. A quick scope of the site on a french proxy showed no affiliates so it was PLAYBALL!

I got in contact with the rep at mypornmotion and bought 70% of the traffic under a direct buy as I knew there were plenty of offers out there for France, Amissexy, Benaughty and Soi Secret to name 3 of the best 🙂

Best thing about direct buys? The dirty cheap cpms. 15-20 cent cpm’s made this campaign a shoe in for profits, but I wanted to test how much variation in pages can add to your ROI.

I’m sure you’ve all seen this lander, but I blurred it out to respect the original owner.

So I decided to ch ...

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