There are 2 main offer types (or verticals) that are recommended to newbie affiliate marketers the most in 2017, one of them is “Sweeps” and the other one are PIN submits. In my opinion, PIN submit offers are the easiest to make work right now, so let me take a closer look at what they actually are and how to promote them.

PIN submit offers are also called “Carrier Billing” or “Mobile Content” offers, the most accurate name for the would actually be Carrier Billing offers, since that’s their core principle – users get billed for something (some content) by their mobile carrier (operator). The charge will either appear on their invoice or it will be deducted from their prepaid credit.

You can see quite a wide range of products that utilize carrier billing, for example antivirus, wallpapers, ringtones, videos, games, astrology, lotteries adult photos and videos … I would say antivirus, wallpapers and adult content are the most popular ones right now.


As I already said, users get billed directly by their mobile operators, but before this happens, they need to agree to get billed – subscribe for something. It can be a one time charge or recurring one, until the user decides to cancel.

There are basically two way of subscribing :

1. By clicking on something – this is the so-called 1 or 2 click flow (MSISDN Flow). For this to work, the user MUST be connected through a mobile internet connection supplied by the mobile operator (carrier).

There are always some terms & conditions to agree to, by clicking on an “Agree” button, the user accepts them and get’s billed. This is the 1-click flow. In case of a 2-click flow, there will be one more confirmation required.

Both 1 and 2 click flows have one thing in common – there is no need to leave the offer page in order to start the subscription, users don’t have to type in anything either. That’s why this method works so well.

Let’s be honest here – certain % of the users don& ...

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