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Adwords traffic is crazy… :p

Hello STM members. First, I like to thank all forum admins and affiliates to help me to learn this stuff. The most important think that I learn here is mindset. In my case is the only problem the mindset. This week I test the first time Google Adwords and I can’t believed what is going […]

Categories Success Stories

Using Shopify With Conventional Affiliate Tracking (S2S / Postback)

I know quite a few people want to use Shopify with conventional affiliate trackers like Voluum or Funnelflux. That’s not possible out of the box, as Shopify doesn’t have support for postback-style conversion tracking. However, it’s fairly simple to add, and here’s a tutorial on just how to do so! Things You’ll Need A working […]

Categories eCommerce

How not to give up on Affiliate Marketing before you actually master it?

Affiliate Marketing pulls a TON of interest from people looking for ways to make money on the internet. This is a known fact and there is no need to argue about it. The sad fact is that only a fraction of them actually make it, majority gives up at one stage or another. This is […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum – Largest redirect traffic source – 100 Billion visitors/month

Hey Guys, Rob Gryn here, founder of As of late, we’ve become one of the largest redirect ad networks in the world with more traffic flowing through our system than most of our competitors could even dream of handling without their servers exploding. As well as aggregated traffic we have quite a few exclusive […]

Categories Networks/Offers

Tools to get things done quicker

As my first real post (Introductions don´t really count) I wanted to share some of the tools I use to work a bit more efficient. The aim of the post is to share some of the tools I use and hopefully get a thread going where people chip in and share their tools. In random […]

Categories Managing Work, Life & Money

How to run campaigns on pop-traffic? (Algorithm)

Hey, Guys, I wrote this article in my follow along, but as people often can not find it, I post this material in this thread. I want to say in advance that it’s only my opinion and my experience. I’m not saying that it’s an absolute truth. And sorry for my bad english Ok, let’s […]

Categories Mobile

1 Weird Trick TO LOSE a Customer

Hi there STM Family. It has been a while. Right now I am totally fed up with Thrive, since Clickbooth’s takeover, the customer support has gone downhill, response times lacking, and I’ve experienced numerous situations where the server will go offline or some other issue will cause my campaigns not to track and load. Most […]

Categories Tracking Campaigns

Facebook ads account suspended, what to do now ?

Hi All Unfortunately, my facebook ads account was banned yesterday afternoon, I sent them a message to tell them it should be an error as I only promote normal things (no diet no dating no strange niches). Right now I didnt get any answer? What are the solutions in case they will never reply ? […]

Categories Facebook

How AM Has Changed In The Last Few Years, And What You Should Be Doing About It

As an addon to my yearly post about what verticals and traffic sources are working for AM right now, I thought I’d do an additional post tracking other changes in the industry. Affiliate marketing is growing up fast as an industry, and it’s easy to miss or underestimate the ways in which the market, the […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

[Funny] This guys is promoting app installs in the strangest way….

So someone on instagram (an obvious bot) liked my pics and followed me with the username “free_bongcontest_”. Now, I follow several instagramers that would put me squarely in this demographic. The instagram bio of user “free_bongcontest_” said to go to in order to claim my free bong. I thought this was hilarious. I entered […]

Categories Mobile