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The ‘What are you listening to while stacking?’ thread…

As affiliate marketers we all have to do a lot of little mundane tasks all day (banners, coding, uploading banners, stats ect). I found jamming to tunes makes these boring tasks more enjoyable. I’m sure many of you also do this so I wanted to start a thread where we could share music and see […]

Categories Off-Topic

Bloomberg: How Facebook Helps Shady Advertisers Pollute the Internet

inb4 Bloomberg, WSJ et al are in Barcelona this summer: Article includes reference to this forum, Voluum, Affiliate World Europe et al. Interesting that the URL indicates they originally wanted to title the article “Ad Scammers Need Suckers and Facebook Helps Find Them” but thought better of it and updated to “How Facebook Helps […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Facebook ads bh scaling question !

hey guys , i need some help about the daily budget for bh ads on facebook anyone have an idea how much i should raise the budget to keep under radar some people say stay under 300 $ daily and some other say under 500 $ daily and i see other people running 1k + […]

Categories Facebook

Winning concepts in Ecommerce

@nrthrnlghts asked me some advice on what to avoid in Ecommerce – at a higher level. I think though, that your success will not come from what you avoid. It will come from doing things that work. Over and over again. And improving – day in, day out. Which is why I replied with the […]

Categories eCommerce

***Mini Guide by fbQueen*** Facebook and Quality Score

Aloha! When you’re advertising on Facebook you need to watch your quality score. It is something you can identify by looking at your cpc, ctr and ad account performance in general. As you are competing with many many advertisers, Facebook’s algorithm measures the performance of your ads, making sure the ads you post provide good […]

Categories Facebook

How Do I Know When To Stop Running Ads? What Is “Statistical Significance”?

So you’ve started a campaign and you’ve got some data in! It’s time to start optimising your way to profit. But first – how do you know when you’re safe to cut an ad from your campaign? Why You Should Care About “Statistical Significance” If you flip a coin and it comes up “heads”, does […]

Categories Getting Started In Affiliate Marketing - 2018 Edition

STM Local Networking Events – Victoria/Vancouver – March 15/16

Come to British Columbia’s LARGEST affiliate meetups in Vancouver on March 15 and Victoria on March 16 In my first few weeks here at STM/iStack, I’ve learned that the PST (GMT-8) timezone can be tricky when working with global partners. Being in a more remote corner of the world, we’re often the ones staying up […]

Categories STM Local Networking Events

Close to 2 million in turnover – men’s bracelets

Let’s go back to a classic – one that I have written about before. Men’s bracelets. Because Aurum brothers is doing phenomenally well in that space (see site here) Some people might think that they need to go look for another Blue Ocean. But you don’t. If something sells well, there’s an interest there. And […]

Categories eCommerce

A Simple Way to Detect Bot Traffic in Voluum

Although Voluum is an amazing tracker, I’ve always had a hard time implementing bot detection techniques within my live campaigns. In order to do that, I either needed to have some PHP server side scripts or a second campaign from where I could filter my traffic, ending up in a chaotic mess of stats. Here’s […]

Categories Programming, Servers & Scripts

iStack Native Ads Master Class

Anyone else signed up for the iStack Native Class? Looking around to see if there are STM members who will also be participating 🙂

Categories Native