The STM Guide To Not Dying Early – CHEATSHEET
Category Fitness & Health
Making bank is awesome. But you know what can really put a crimp in all those post-freedom travel plans?
Being dead.
Affiliate marketing isn’t the most health-promoting of occupations. It’s stressful. It’s stationary. It tends to promote long hours and bad diet.
And whilst most affiliates are young, that doesn’t mean you’re safe. For starters, people do die young, more often than you’d think. And secondly, health decisions whilst you’re young can really screw you when you get older.
So here’s our quick cheatsheet for how to a) do AM without b) kicking the bucket, shuffling off the mortal coil, and joining the choir eternal or c) just having health problems and feeling miserable.
Vital Stuff
- DON’T die. An author friend of mine refers to this as “Rule #1”. Dying is pretty much the only total failure state. Hence, avoiding it should be your top business and lifestyle priority. (Excepting some really extreme circumstances.)
- DON’T avoid the doctor. There are lots and lots of health issues that start out as minor problems and end up, if untreated, with you in the morgue. Early detection is vital in most cancers, cardiac issues, and lots of other fun things. If you have chest pains, a cough that won’t go away, weird lumps or moles, or anything else odd, go see a doctor already.
- DON’T skip sleep. Skipping sleep makes you significantly more likely to die. If you don’t get enough sleep you react worse to stress, you lead worse, you manage worse, your memory gets worse, you’re supider, you’re more likely to have a heart attack, you’re more likely to become obese. Get enough sleep.
- DO take breaks. If there’s one single magic bullet to reduce your chances of getting nasty health problems from AM, it’s this: take frequent breaks. Install a program like Workrave to force you to take a break every half hour or so if necessary, or use Pomodoro techniques. As a bonus, you’ll also work better if you take frequent breaks.
- DO get exercise. YOu’ll be hard-pressed ...