Alright guys, here we go.

A follow along that has none of the popular ingredients: no shopify, no dropshipments, no facebook

So WTF is Pekadis doing?

No “this is what I’ve done 3 years ago and in hindsight, this is what I think worked, but didn’t really have a process, so I guess it was like, this uh, blah blah blah”

This is happening now.

And it’s is me showing you what we’re doing and the thought process behind it. Which is more valuable than “do this”, “app that” for the right people.

So no, it’s not for everyone. But that’s OK.

1: Why add a new site in the first place?

Well, I have been working on the overall goals for the company, so I can meet my own goals.
The goal has been set to go from low 7 figures to 8 figures within 5 years with a net profit exceeding 15%, while running with no involvement in daily ops, thanks to processes.

This would give me a valuable company that can either be sold or that can buzz along nicely.

When you think about how you can get there, you need markets ...

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