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How to Cut Placements, Landers and Banners – Part 2

If you want to know how to cut landers please see Part 1. ************************************************************* PART 2: How to Cut Unprofitable Banner and Placements ************************************************************* Often, we need to know how likely it would be for something to be profitable, or not, in the long run. Examples: 1)Getting traffic from a sh*tload of placements (i.e. sites/apps) […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Hottest Internet money trend of 2018

Hey guys, A few months ago a made a report about what I thought were the hot trends on native in the affiliate space. You can get a copy here. Now I’m back for round two with a little bit of airplane reading for your biz class flight to bangkok. This time I wrote […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Free Download: Sweepstakes Landers

I dabbled in sweeps last year, and then again this year while doing case studies and also testing offers for the 6-week AMC course. So I got some landers sitting on my server not doing anything ATM – perhaps some of you can make good use of them. Most of them were ripped from spy […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Making Afflow/Monetizer Rain – Using 1 Optimization Tool

For a while now, I’ve been wanting to do a case study on how to use commercial automation tools to optimize pop campaigns. A couple of weeks back, I hit up Ervin and Losid from theOptimizer to gather some insight in preparation for the case study. During our conversation they mentioned a small test they […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

More Developments By Google Against Aggressive Ads

This has been in the air for a while in one way or another… “Most ad networks don’t have any kind of manual review process, making this behavior difficult to pinpoint, and the ad’s code can even be obfuscated to hide the malicious behavior. Google is now trying something different – blocking the behavior at […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum


I came across this article couple of hrs back. I wasnt going to post about it. But after thinking about it, I think we should #DeleteVoluum Go for different alternatives available. P.S) I will try to get some good alternatives to voluum and post it here.

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Welcome back Maynzie!

A big part of you, especially the ones that have been around for a long time, will remember Josh, a.k.a Maynzie. For the ones that aren’t familiar with the name, you probably have seen his name on the top 10 thanked on the leaderboard. Even though he hasn’t been active for more than 2 years! […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Chrome ad blocking live in early 2018

Google released an update on this yesterday. All affiliates should keep an eye on this. The previously announced ad blocker build into Chrome will go live early 2018. But there were 2 new pieces of info for me: 1 – Funding Choices will be bundled. The way I read this is that its basically a […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Bloomberg: How Facebook Helps Shady Advertisers Pollute the Internet

inb4 Bloomberg, WSJ et al are in Barcelona this summer: Article includes reference to this forum, Voluum, Affiliate World Europe et al. Interesting that the URL indicates they originally wanted to title the article “Ad Scammers Need Suckers and Facebook Helps Find Them” but thought better of it and updated to “How Facebook Helps […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

After 18 Years in the Industry, I EXPOSE Affiliate Marketing’s Dirty Secrets.

They say you become adult at the age of 18, that’s when you should know enough about the world and be able to take care of yourself on your own, more or less 🙂 Some of you know I started in the affiliate business in 1998, which means its a bit over 18 years by […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum