Traffic Types Definition – #2 – MOBILE
Welcome to the 2nd part of my mini-series that should help you understand the various traffic types you can work with as an affiliate marketer.
The first part dealt with POP traffic and you can read it here :
When we look at the forum sections, the one with the most people viewing the content, is pretty much always the MOBILE section in “Traffic Sources”. So let me focus on Mobile traffic in this post.
So what is actually Mobile Traffic?
Simply put, its all the surfers who browse on a mobile phone or tablet. The term “Mobile Traffic” no longer stands for one single type of traffic tho, but it was like that at the beginning.
Let me go back a few years, the first mobile devices that were able to browse the internet for real, were the so called “feature phones”. There were some attempts before with those palm devices and digital diaries, but it wasnt real surfing until the feature phones entered the market. Im sure many of you had one of those NOKIA phones with colored ...